Taos Pueblo Education & Training Division
Our division is one of many on Taos Pueblo. Our departments are the Red Willow Education Center, the Tiwa Language Program, the Head Start & Early Head Start, and Tiwa Babies Home Visiting. We mostly receive federal and state funding through our division and utilize our funding to provide comprehensive services to support our programs. Our department ensures that the funding is accessible and reflects the needs of the community so that we develop and strengthen our partnerships with other schools and organizations.
We are continuously growing and changing according to the needs of the community. So, stay tuned and check out our programs often. If you have any questions or would like to provide input/suggestions please email us at education@taospueblo.com or call 575-758-5990.
The Taos Pueblo Education & Training Division is looking for
Native Youth ages 14-24 who want to gain work experience!
If you are interested in applying, applications can be found on the Red Willow Education Center or at our office.
Mission Statement
Through our strong culture and ancestral roots, we have the resiliency today to build and sustain a multi-generational, life-long learning educational pathway based on traditional knowledge and core values while integrating contemporary and emerging teaching and learning techniques.

Director: Bettina Sandoval, bsandoval@taospueblo.com
Assistant Director: Crystal Barney, crystalbarney@taospueblo.com
Workforce Training and Development Specialist: Migdalia Rodriguez, mrodriguez@taospueblo.com
Early Education Program Manager: Katherine Chavez, kchavez@taospueblo.com
Tiwa Language Coordinator: Mary A. Martinez, alice@taospueblo.com